The Starting Point
As a young man at the age of 19 after his A-level education, Pastor Chukwunonso Kenneth Emoh went to Lagos State, Nigeria where he answered an alter call and gave his life to Jesus Christ. In 1998 he joined a young church that was birthed on February 14th of the same year, and according to his prayer request at then was to worship God with his substance; he bought the very first set of chairs for the church with the first breakthrough he had by making a living on dealings from the street.
When his Pastor came down from the mountains after praying for a few days he called Ken to say the Lord has called you as a leader of His people; with Kingship anointing as a gift. However, the young man didn’t understand nor receive the message then as he perceived it couldn’t be for him.
On November 25th, 2002, with his vow to honour and worship God with his substance, Ken got some financial blessings and bought his first car. He also bought his Pastor’s first owned car, and both cars were dedicated on the same day.

In March 2005, Ken travelled to the United Kingdom. Shortly after he arrived in Birmingham, he joined a church where he subsequently met his wife Shedeen Emoh; who gave her life to Christ and got baptized shortly after. Ken also got baptized by immersion (as recommended by Jesus Christ in His teachings in the Bible) at the same church in May 2005.
Upon realizing that Shedeen did not know the meaning of her name, Ken asked if she could be renamed Joy which she accepted. This was done because Ken understood the significance of the names we bear, and so to this day his wife is known as Sister Joy.
However, their relationship grew as they believed God to become life partners, and so on the 29th of December 2006, he travelled to Nigeria with her for the very first time to get married in January 2007.
“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord, nor of me his prisoner but be thou partaker of the afflictions of the gospel according to the power of God!”
2 Timothy 1:7-8
The Encounter
When they arrived in Lagos on the 30th of December 2006, Sister Joy asked that they would visit the church she had been following on TV since their headquarters is in the area of Ikeja. So they visited that church on the 1st January 2007 (New Year’s Day), and after the service, the new visitors were called to a mini hall containing hundreds of new guests with a few of the ministers counselling them. While Ken was standing at the Conner with Joy, a man who seemed to be a visitor also walked towards them saying a word and walking past. Then Joy asked Ken “Did you hear what this man just called you?” Ken said” No, the man must have seen me as someone he knew but when he came closer he found out it was a mere resemblance so he greeted me in passing and went his way,” Joy said, “No, the man just called you a Pastor.”Then Ken assumed that Joy may not have heard clearly or the accent may have confused her since it was her first visit to Nigeria, but Joy insisted she heard the man clearly. As the man had not gone out of the room and was standing by himself, so while Joy still insisted that she heard him clearly, out of annoyance and to save the argument Ken said“ The man is standing over there, let’s go and find out from him what he had said”:

As they took a few steps towards the man, he opened his mouth and said“ MY BROTHER! IT IS WRITTEN ON YOUR FOREHEAD, THAT YOU ARE A PASTOR AND A MAN OF GOD. GOD WILL USE YOU TO DELIVER YOUR FAMILY, AND YOU WILL PREACH THE GOSPEL FROM VILLAGE TO VILLAGE, AND REMEMBER YOU THIS DAY AS YOU MAY NOT SEE ME AGAIN IN YOUR LIFE.” That message was remarkable but in Ken’s mind, he still said it wasn’t for him.
Ken and Joy had their wedding in the local church in Lagos on the 13th January 2007 after which they travelled back to England. Back in the UK they soon settled back into the church they attended before their trip to Nigeria, where the Pastor who had a second job of Piloting often travelled overseas, and so invited many Pastors from different Countries to minister in the church; and in most occasions while ministering they would single out Ken from the crowd, and sometimes address him in personal meetings to say that there is a calling of God on his life, but Ken always rejected such prophecies, because at about that time in his life, he owned a lucrative Cargo business and a nicely growing family.
By now Sister Joy had visited Nigeria a few times and had developed some love for the Country, to the extent that she desired to settle over there. Ken did his best to discourage her since he wasn’t ready to move back home to Nigeria considering his business and clientele that he served in the UK.
However, Sister Joy was so determined to move to Nigeria, that she began to save for the trip and a Bridal Wear business. She constantly bought Bridal gowns and accessories to open a mega Bridal shop and Cleaning Company in Nigeria. She bought things regularly and as a Cargo Agent, it was easy for her husband to send and store her goods abroad. Then In June of 2013, the family travelled back to Nigeria with the intention that Sister Joy and the children would settle down over there, and Ken would return back to the UK after 2 months since he still had his business in Birmingham.
While in Lagos, Nigeria all efforts to get school admission for the children and a shop in a strategic place to display the bridal stuff proved abortive, and it happened that two weeks after arrival in Nigeria Sister Joy got pregnant with another child, and she was determined to give birth to him in Nigeria. However, soon after she began to experience some abnormal symptoms and illness whereby her eyes and nose were running uncontrollably and within a few days, she was gasping for air and in laboured breathing episodes. She then called her GP in the U.K. who advised her to return for proper examination and attention. So Ken had to pay extra money to change the family’s one-year open ticket to come back to England.
While still in Nigeria Ken continued looking for a shop, and due to several disappointments with Agents and Landlords, he ended up staying for 6 months and returned to the UK on the 2nd December 2013, remembering that his initial plan was to stay for 2 months, little did he know that in all this the hand of God was at work.
New Chapter Christians International
In May 2014, while in the church congregation in Birmingham, a visiting Man of God was preaching and also had a message for Ken with similar words that had been said to him many times before, by many other servants of God. Ken admitted to him that this wasn’t the first time neither the second nor the third to hear such a message, although once again he did not believe that it was for him. The visiting preacher asked to exchange phone numbers with Ken and encouraged him to pray and ask God for clarification and confirmation of these messages. Sincerely speaking, his sermon on his Encounter with Heaven & Hell following the motor accident he had that led to the death of many people in he was also pronounced dead, and was in a coma for up to 21 days but came back to life afterwards really touched Ken. So the visitor went back to his base in South Africa after his 2-weeks stay in the U.K. But while in contact with him; as they often prayed together over the phone, after a few months he told Ken that the Lord had asked him to come to the UK for the second time and that this time he was coming back because of Ken, who reluctantly agreed to host the man of God.
When he arrived, Ken and his wife took him to his accommodation, in Birmingham, close to the City Centre. So the man of God visited Ken and Joy’s home in the mornings, and from their front room, he shared messages with those who were gathered to hear him: Ken’s family, a sister from the previous church and one other lady. It was on this second visit that Ken began to yield and commit to listening and hearing from God by himself; determining to see if God actually speaks to people. During this time Ken accepted and received his calling as a Pastor for this newly developing ministry. Then Ken went on his first ever 3 Days of Dry Fasting and Prayer, and the spirit of the Lord gave him the Scripture in Acts Chapter 9 about the conversion of Saul who became Paul, and after reading the story, Pastor Ken began to get directives and teachings from the Holy Spirit, and since then the Spirit of the Lord has been his comforter, guide and leader, and to Him be all the glory in Jesus Mighty Name, Forever and ever, Amen.
Today Ken is the pastor of NCIC, a vibrant community where people come together to share their faith, support one another, and make a positive impact in the world. With his warm smile and compassionate heart, Ken leads the congregation with wisdom and grace, inspiring others to live a life filled with love and kindness. Through his uplifting sermons and dedication to serving others, Ken continues to guide and nurture the spiritual growth of all who walk through the doors of NCIC. It is through his leadership that the community thrives, spreading messages of hope, unity, and compassion to all who seek solace and belonging.
We believe the Bible is the mind of Christ and the undiluted word of God, therefore, the Old and New Testament in their original writing as the supreme and final authority applies to all believers.